
Tytuł: Current Topics in Biophysics 1996 Vol.20(supplement)

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Jaroszyk Feliks (red.odp.)


Gwoździński Krzysztof Bartosz Grzegorz - Nitroxide reduction in human red blood cells ; Makarewicz-Płońska Marzanna Farbiszewski Ryszad Dębek Wojciech - Free radical as mediator of gastrointestinaltract gastrointestinal tract demage in hemorrhagic shock ; Ben-Hur Ehud Geacintov Nicholas E. Zuk Maria M. Oetjen Joyce Horowitz Bernard - Photodynamic decontamination of red blood cell concentrates: magnetic field effects ; Płonka Przemysław M. Raczek Jolanta Płonka Beata K. Łukiewicz Stanisław - EPR studies on nitric oxide generation in the ascitic form of murine lymphoma ; Rózga Błażej - The effect of ionizing radiation and carminomycin on plasma membrane of human trisomic fibroblasts ; Gwoździński Krzysztof - Alterations in red blood cell components after paraquat treatment ; Blazovies Anna Kery Agnes Feher Erzsebel Pronai Laszlo Gonzalez-Cabello Rhemso Barta Iren Lugasi Andrea Gergely Peter Feher Janos - Natural antioxidants in liver therapy ; Kozlov Andrey Iannone Anna Zini Isabella Tomasi Aldo - Reactive free radical and nitric oxide determination in an experimental model system of rat brain ischemia and reperfusion ; Jóźwik Marcin Jóźwik Michał Kuczyński Waldemar Szamatowicz Marian - Total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP) in seminal plasma ; Jóźwik Michał Żak Jolanta Jóźwik Marcin Klubowicz Zbigniew Sajewska Grażyna Śledziewski Adam Urban Jan - Lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes and plasma of human umbilical cord blood ; Metodiewa Diana Gębicka Lidia Bednarek Janusz - Catalase-mediated semiquinone and chromanoxyl radicals formation: direct observation of their synergistic interactions or decay at room temperature ; Król Wacław Czuba Zenon P. Pietsz Grażyna Thredgill Michael D. Cunningham Bernadette D.M. Modulation of the cytotoxic activity of murine macrophages by flavones ; Khomich Tamara L. Soszyński Mirosław Moiseenok Andrei G. Bartosz Grzegorz - Antioxidant effect of pantothenic acid derivatives on human erythrocyte membrane ; Buko Vyacheslav Artsukevich Aleksander Shareyko Svetlana Maskevich Aleksandr - Modification of rat liver cytochrome P-450 by malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal ; Jóźwik Michał Klubowicz Zbigniew Jóźwik Marcin Sajewska Grażyna Śledziewski Adam Urban Jan - Plasma antioxidant activites during human fetal development ; Distel Luitpold V Schussler Helga - Radiation induced DNA-protein crosslinks and DNA double-strand breaks ; Filipiak Anna Gabryelak Teresa Gondko Roman - effect of zinc on carp (Cyprinus carpio) erythrocytes in vitro ; Li Wei Meredith Michael J. Yatvin Milton B. - Linking AZT to ceramide improves it's anti-viral action, decreases marrow toxicity and increases brain uptake and retention ; Bielawska Anna Bielawski Krzysztof Farbiszewski - Protective effect of the novel antioxidant U-83836E against ischemia/reperfusion induced brain injury in rats ; Czuba Zenon P. Król Wacław - The importance of hydroxyl substituent in position 4' in flavonoids for modulation of chemiluminescence generated an enzymatic system (horseradish peroxidase-luminol-hydrogen peroxide) ; Schussler Helga Distel Luitpold Sieber Renate - Radiolysis of DNA in the presence of proteins ; Stepuro Ivan Solodunov Alexey Stepuro Vitaly Maskevich Sergey Dzhagarov Boris Kruk Nikolay _ Fluorescent and photochemical properties of stable adducts of pyridoxal phosphate and other carbonyl compounds with hemoglobin and human serum albumin ; Skrzydlewska Elżbieta Farbiszewski Ryszard - Antioxidant status of liver in methanol induced liver injury in rats ; Matkovics Bela Varga Ilona Sz. Hai DO Quy Fekete Eva - Nitric oxide (NO): an new, but nowadays very popular free radical


Polskie Towarzystwo Biofizyczne

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pol ; eng

Udostępniane przez:

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu ; Wydział Fizyki UAM w Poznaniu

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Wydział Fizyki UAM w Poznaniu


Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu

Lokalizacja oryginału:

Wydział Fizyki UAM w Poznaniu

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

22 mar 2011

Data dodania obiektu:

8 lip 2008

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