
Tytuł: Rola samorządu gminnego w rozwoju rekreacji ruchowej i turystyki w woj. wielkopolskim


Basińska-Zych, Agata

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Raport z badań


“The role of a local government in the development of sport for all and tourism in the example of Wielkopolska Province – research report”. The research report covers the empirical part of Agata Basinska-Zych doctoral dissertation (defended 12th June 2012), which focused on the issue of a local government influence on the development of tourism and sport for all in Poland. It is done on the basis of the chosen municipal, rural and mixed type communes of the Wielkopolska Province. The study and this report was financed from the educational resources of Ministry of Science Republic of Poland for the years 2010-2012 as a research project of supervisory character No NN 404 341 639.The main theoretical objective of research was to make an extensive analysis and assessment of the local government significance in the development of tourism and sport for all. Furthermore, the research purpose of the study was to identify the factors that decide on the local government’s activity in the process of tourism and sport for all development in the region. The other, not less important, purpose of the research, in its practical dimension, was an attempt to work out the appropriate assessment method of the local government’s involvement observed in various commune types, on the basis of the collected empirical data. Moreover, the utilitarian purpose of the study was to make a typology of communes that would consider local governments contribution into recreational and tourist development of the region. In her study, the author aspires to find the answers to the questions whether the level of local government’s activity depends on the commune’s status and what kind of factors affect the local government’s involvement in tourism and sport for all development. Methodological triangulation was used in the study. On the basis of the professional literature review, the analysis of various documents containing secondary data and own research, the author tried to make some general conclusions concerning the role of local governments in the development of tourism and sport for all, and also determine the factors stimulating local government’s activity in the development of tourism and recreation. A few research methods commonly found in different disciplines of science were applied in the thesis and in particular such as: a diagnostic survey, taxonomic methods, indicator’s methods. Moreover, for the comparative analysis purposes, some other commonly known social and economic indicators were used in the research as well as an attempt of creating own synthetic measures was taken, e.g. indicator of local government involvement/activity in tourism development and indicator of local government involvement/activity in leisure sports development. ; The report is divided in two parts. The first chapter presents methodological information on the own research carried out. Chapter two consists of three parts. Firstly, the assessment of the examined communes from the Wielkopolska Province with regard to the spatial diversity of their tourist and recreational attraction was included. The assessment was done on the basis of synthetic indicators suggested by the author and multidimensional comparative analysis – the so called, Hellwig’s development measure, referred to as the model method. Secondly, the results of the research concerning the Wielkopolska Province local governments activity observed in the development of tourism and physical recreation were presented. The results concerned six most important areas: 1) strategic and operational planning, 2) creating organizational structures, 3) financial and pro-investment policy, 4) co-operation between local governments and non-governmental organizations, 5) supporting local enterprise development, 6) promoting and propagating the form of active leisure among the inhabitants. In addition, the results showing participation of the local community in physical recreation were demonstrated. Thirdly, this part of report presents the results of the research that concern the role of the local government in the process of developing tourism and physical recreation, from the point of view, the local governments and other local institutions see it. Moreover, this subsection focuses on the presentation of the method, slightly modified by the author, that was used to assess the local government’s involvement. This method appeared to be very helpful with the assessment of the activity of the local governments in 49 communes of the Wielkopolska Province with regard to the development of tourism and recreation. Additionally, two separate classifications of the examined communes concerning the level of their local governments’ involvement depending on the communes’ tourist and recreational attraction, were presented. Furthermore, the collected empirical data were used to create the typology of the communes with regard to their local governments activity in the field of tourism and physical recreation development. Finally, the factors influencing the local governments involvement were analysed. Research report is ended by conclusions and recommended proposals for local governments concerning the development and promotion of leisure sports activity in the local community. The research was carried out into three stages: 1) preliminary tests using secondary data, 2) pilot study, 3) the stage of detailed studies using the method of diagnostic survey. The spatial scope of the first part of the research covered all the communes from the Wielkopolska Province except the city of Poznań. Due to the big number of communes in the Province, it was necessary to divide them into homogenous typological groups with respect to their similar tourist and recreational development potential in the area of political and economic factors. Application of the Ward’s method of the analysis of concentration, turned out to be the most useful one, for communes classification, on this stage of the research. For the second stage of the questionnaire survey, however, 49 communes, including 7 of the municipal type, 19 of the rural type and 23 of the mixed type, were drawn. Next, between August 2009 and June 2011 some representative surveys were carried out. The surveys included 49 interviews with the representatives of local authorities, 1656 questionnaires with the inhabitants of the examined communes and 208 surveys with the people representing sports and recreational business who, in majority, were leaders of non-governmental organizations and private entrepreneurs. The survey forms used for the research purposes were prepared by the author of the above thesis on her own. The time range of the theoretical part of the thesis includes the years 1990-2010. ; On the basis of the above mentioned analysis the following statements were made: 1) the level of the local governments of the Wielkopolska Province involvement in tourism and sport for all development is diversified; 2) Implementation of the action taken in the area of tourism and sport for all looks different in different types of communes: municipal, rural and mixed; 3) there is a relationship between the activity of a local government in the area of development of tourism and leisure sport, and the type of a commune. The activity of the local government in the communes of a municipal type is described as the highest one; 4) economic and political factors seem to have the dominant influence on the effective accomplishment of a local government’s activity in the field of tourism and sport for all development 5) the quality of natural and cultural environment as well as the infrastructure constitute the supplementary factors 6) The level of local community participation in any physical activity is strongly affected by the local government’s activity in the field of creating organizational and promotional framework for recreational sport development in the area it administers; 7) Most frequently, the inhabitants of the particular communes, take up recreational activity in the area where they reside; 8) In order to gain more effective results of accomplishing tasks related to tourism and recreation, the local governments that administer the communes with natural and cultural values poorly developed and weak tourist and recreational infrastructure, establish close co-operation with the neighbouring self-governments.

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Udostępniane przez:

Agata Basińska-Zych


wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone

Prawa dostępu:

dla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytku


udostępnianie na podstawie umowy z właścicielem majątkowych praw autorskich

Właściciel praw:

Basińska-Zych, Agata


Poznańska Fundacja Bibliotek Naukowych

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

4 lut 2013

Data dodania obiektu:

20 lip 2012

Liczba wyświetleń treści obiektu:

1 303

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