Jan z Głogowa (c. 1445 – 1507)
Contributor:Versor Johann (?-ca 1485) Koment.
Subject and Keywords:Aristoteles (384-322 a.C.) ; filozofia 15w. ; logika 15w.
Description:[186] k., sygn. AA-BB6, CC1-4, DD-EE6, FF1-4, GG-HH6, II1-4, KK-LL6, MM1-4, NN-OO6, PP1-4,QQ-RR6, SS1-4, TT-VV6, XX1-4, YY-ZZ6, AAa1-4, BBb-FFf6, GGg1-4, HHh-IIi6, KKk1-4, LLl1-8 , 4° ; Notatki rękopiśmienne w jęz. łac. ; Marginalia trzech rąk 16w.
Publisher:Haller, Jan ; Stöckel, Wolfgang
Place of publication: Object type: Signature: Language: Rights Management: Publication date: Rights: Access rights: Digitisation: Digitisation sponsor: Location of original object: Digital object format: