Leonhardi Gorecii [...] Descriptio belli Ivoniae voivodae Valachiae quod anno 1574 [rom.]
Creator: Subject and Keywords:Bogdan IV (?-1574) hospodar wołoski ; Turcja 16w. ; Księstwo Wołoskie 16w. ; Selim II (1524-1574) – sułtan
Description:Egz. ident. z sygn. Cim.O.543 oraz Cim.O.562 ; współopr. z sygn.Cim.O.369, Cim.O.370 ; 151, [1] s. , 8° ; E.XVII,247
Publisher: Place of publication: Object type: Signature: Language: Rights Management: Publication date: Rights: Access rights: Digitisation: Digitisation sponsor: Location of original object: Digital object format: