@misc{Szmyt_Grażyna_Can, author={Szmyt, Grażyna and Podgórski, Tomasz and Szmyt, Agnieszka and Gronek, Joanna and Celka, Roman and Jakubowski, Konrad}, copyright={Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Poznaniu}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Poznaniu}, language={eng}, abstract={Smoking as a major social and health problem in 20-30-year-old women. About 70% nicotine addicted are determined to kick the habit with the aid of one of available smoking quitting methods such as medication, behavioral therapy, self-control or group support. Authors analyze different smoking quitting programs}, type={artykuły}, title={Can dance and health-related training be effective in helping women quit smoking?}, keywords={nicotine addiction, therapeutic programmes}, }