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Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "On the basis of the above mentioned analysis the following statements were made\: 1\) the level of the local governments of the Wielkopolska Province involvement in tourism and sport for all development is diversified\; 2\) Implementation of the action taken in the area of tourism and sport for all looks different in different types of communes\: municipal, rural and mixed\; 3\) there is a relationship between the activity of a local government in the area of development of tourism and leisure sport, and the type of a commune. The activity of the local government in the communes of a municipal type is described as the highest one\; 4\) economic and political factors seem to have the dominant influence on the effective accomplishment of a local government’s activity in the field of tourism and sport for all development 5\) the quality of natural and cultural environment as well as the infrastructure constitute the supplementary factors 6\) The level of local community participation in any physical activity is strongly affected by the local government’s activity in the field of creating organizational and promotional framework for recreational sport development in the area it administers\; 7\) Most frequently, the inhabitants of the particular communes, take up recreational activity in the area where they reside\; 8\) In order to gain more effective results of accomplishing tasks related to tourism and recreation, the local governments that administer the communes with natural and cultural values poorly developed and weak tourist and recreational infrastructure, establish close co\-operation with the neighbouring self\-governments."]

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